Samaritan Health Services and an Oregon Hospital Discuss Potential Merger

Samaritan Health Services, based in Corvallis, Oregon, has recently signed a nonbinding letter of intent with Santiam Hospitals and Clinics, based in Stayton, to explore the possibility of merging. This partnership aims to enhance local access to care services, promote health equity, and increase community-provided services. Both organizations are committed to maintaining existing employees and preserving local governance and leadership structures.

Santiam Hospitals and Clinics is a nonprofit organization that includes an acute care hospital as well as 11 clinics. With over 600 employees, including 70 medical staff members, Santiam Hospital serves the community with dedication and compassion. Samaritan Health Services is a nonprofit regional health system that operates five community hospitals, over 100 physician clinics, and multiple health insurance plans. Employing 6,000 individuals, including 620 physicians, Samaritan Health Services is known for its comprehensive healthcare services.

The next step for Santiam Hospitals and Clinics and Samaritan Health Services is to work towards a definitive agreement in the coming months. While the merger is a promising opportunity to strengthen healthcare services in the region, it may be subject to regulatory review. By joining forces, the organizations hope to create a stronger healthcare network that better serves the needs of their communities.

The partnership between these two healthcare providers will bring together their collective resources and expertise to provide even more comprehensive care options for their patients. The goal is to enhance local access to care services by expanding service offerings across both organizations’ locations.

Santiam Hospital has been serving the community for many years with dedication and compassion. The hospital’s team of doctors and nurses work tirelessly to provide quality care for all patients who come through their doors.

Similarly, Samaritan Health Services has been providing top-notch healthcare services for decades in Corvallis and surrounding areas. Their commitment to patient care has earned them recognition as one of the best healthcare systems in the region.

By joining forces with Santiam Hospitals and Clinics, Samaritan Health Services hopes to expand its reach further into Southern Oregon while maintaining its commitment to quality care for all patients.

As they work towards a definitive agreement in the coming months, both organizations remain focused on providing exceptional patient care while also advancing their mission of promoting health equity in their respective communities.

By Riley Johnson

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