Virtual conference connects girls in STEM programs with female professionals in science careers

Girls in Catholic schools across Brooklyn will have the chance to interact with successful women in STEM fields through a virtual conference happening on Monday afternoon, May 13. The second annual “Girls & STEM: Forging a Future” conference will virtually introduce 150 seventh and eighth-grade students from Catholic academies in the Diocese of Brooklyn to accomplished women who have made their mark in industries related to science, technology, engineering, and math.

The virtual conference is sponsored by Catholic Telemedia Network, a service offered by DeSales Media, providing communication and technology services for the Diocese of Brooklyn and beyond. The conference aims to inspire young girls to explore opportunities in STEM fields, creating a platform for them to connect with and learn from successful professionals in the industry.

Catholic Telemedia Network is an important initiative to empower young girls in Brooklyn to pursue their interests in STEM and envision a successful future in these fields. Despite its recent reputation as a cool and hip area, for those who have lived, raised families, and contributed to the community over the years, Brooklyn has always been a vibrant and exciting place. The virtual conference is an important step towards ensuring that young girls are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in any field they choose.

By Riley Johnson

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