Union reports that over 50 employees will face layoffs from Ontario Science Centre

The Ontario Science Centre has been hit with layoffs, as the Ontario Public Service Employees Union reports that over 50 food service workers will be let go by Levy Canada, an outside contractor. This news comes after the sudden closure of the science centre due to structural issues with parts of the roof, which led to a public outcry among residents, science enthusiasts, and the architectural firm that designed the building.

Union president J.P. Hornick criticized the government for trying to find excuses to shut down the historic Science Centre, noting the widespread support for keeping it open. The province had previously announced plans to relocate the science centre to the new Ontario Place currently under construction, where it will be part of a larger entertainment complex featuring a spa, concert venue, and marina.

The closure of the Ontario Science Centre has generated strong reactions from the community, with many expressing their love for the building and desire to see it remain at its current location. However, discussions about its relocation continue amidst ongoing layoffs of food service workers. The future of this iconic landmark remains uncertain as people rally together to save it from closure.

By Riley Johnson

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