Jay Commemorates Opening of Industrial Park to Foster New Business Growth and Expansion

The City of Jay recently celebrated the ribbon cutting for a new business industrial park with a $1.43 million investment from the Progressing Rural Economic Prosperity (PREP Fund) awarded by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. The funding allowed for necessary infrastructure improvements to the park that would have otherwise taken a considerable amount of time and funds. These improvements will create opportunities for businesses to open and provide much-needed jobs for the community.

Becki Farley, the Mayor of Jay, expressed gratitude for the funding, stating that it is an invaluable partnership with Commerce. The hope is to continue this relationship in the future to foster further economic development in the city.

Construction of a new road within the park, funded by a USDA grant applied for by the Cherokee Nation, has begun. The road is named Gadugi Road, which means working together in the Cherokee language. This new road will enable businesses looking to expand in Oklahoma to easily access Jay’s industrial park and take advantage of its prime location.

The PREP Fund was established in 2021 as part of the Commerce-led Supporting Industrial Transformation and Economic Success (SITES) Program, which aims to address statewide site infrastructure needs to meet the demands of existing companies and those looking to establish operations in Oklahoma. So far, 29 other communities in Oklahoma have benefited from this program. Tina Lindsay, Director of Business Development at Commerce highlighted the importance of programs like SITES in assisting communities with legacy improvements to industrial sites and fostering economic development throughout Oklahoma.

Overall, this partnership between Jay Industrial Authority and Commerce will lead to further economic prosperity for local community members as they now have accessibility to infrastructure upgrades that will attract new businesses and companies looking for expansion opportunities.

By Riley Johnson

As a content writer at newsmol.com, I dive into the depths of information to craft compelling stories that captivate and inform readers. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I strive to create engaging content that resonates with our audience. Whether it's breaking news, in-depth features, or thought-provoking opinion pieces, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality, informative content that keeps readers coming back for more. My goal is to bring a fresh perspective to every article I write and to make a meaningful impact through the power of words.

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