Leaders stress need for improved mental health services following homicide in Texas county

A recent tragic incident involving the murder of a 21-year-old woman in Travis County has raised concerns about the availability of mental health resources in the area, as reported by various groups to KXAN. The young woman was killed by her own relative, Keziah Titus, who is currently being held on murder charges following a violent episode.

Titus, who is 19 years old, admitted to killing one family member and attempting to kill another in her arrest affidavit. She also stated that her “mission was to assassinate somebody, but it went wrong.” Titus had earlier been arrested on misdemeanor family violence charges in April 2023 and released on bond within three days with a condition of receiving mental health supervision as part of her release terms.

However, specific details on the level of mental health services Titus received cannot be disclosed by the County Attorney’s Office. They acknowledge that there is a limited availability of such resources and stress the urgent need for a mental health diversion center in Travis County. This facility is currently under construction to address the growing mental health challenges faced by individuals in the area.

At this time, Titus does not have legal representation listed. KXAN will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.

By Riley Johnson

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