Meta’s AI Will Be Less Impressive in Europe Compared to America – Here’s Why.

Meta has faced challenges in the EU due to privacy concerns surrounding its AI assistant. Regulators have expressed their worries about the privacy implications of data scraping, which is essential for training the AI. In response, Meta has decided not to launch the feature in Europe and instead taken a firm stance on the issue.

The company believes that stringent privacy regulations in the EU would result in a “second-rate experience” for users. Meta expressed disappointment in the Irish Data Protection Commission’s request to delay the training of its large language models using public content shared on Facebook and Instagram. However, despite this decision, European regulators have welcomed Meta’s announcement to pause its plans to train its AI using public content from its apps.

The Irish Data Protection Commission sees this as a positive step, as Meta has faced criticism over its data scraping plans in Europe. An advocacy group in Europe recently called for a halt to Meta’s data scraping plans, citing concerns about the use of personal data to train the AI. Despite this setback, Meta remains committed to ensuring that its AI is developed responsibly and with user privacy in mind.

By Riley Johnson

As a content writer at, I dive into the depths of information to craft compelling stories that captivate and inform readers. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I strive to create engaging content that resonates with our audience. Whether it's breaking news, in-depth features, or thought-provoking opinion pieces, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality, informative content that keeps readers coming back for more. My goal is to bring a fresh perspective to every article I write and to make a meaningful impact through the power of words.

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