Sam & Gertie’s: Chicago’s and the world’s first vegan Jewish deli

The world’s first vegan Jewish deli, Sam and Gertie’s, is closing its doors after almost five years in business. The owner, Andy Kalish, has announced that the restaurant will be open for one last weekend before permanently shutting down. Although he is sad to see Sam and Gertie’s come to an end, he is hopeful for the future and plans to open a new breakfast spot next door.

Kalish cited a lack of energy as the reason behind his decision to close the deli. Despite this, the staff at the deli were seen prepping food for the last weekend, wrapping up recipes in the production kitchen.

Sam and Gertie’s was named after Kalish’s grandparents, Sam Stuart and Gertrude Brandt, and was inspired by his recently deceased parents. Although the deli is closing down, Kalish intends to incorporate some of their vegan favorites into the menu of the new breakfast spot he plans to open in a couple of weeks.

The decision to open a vegan deli was deeply rooted in Kalish’s upbringing and beliefs. He explains on the restaurant’s website that caring for animals and the earth is central to Judaism, and he believes that the Torah would advocate for veganism if it were written today.

By Riley Johnson

As a content writer at, I dive into the depths of information to craft compelling stories that captivate and inform readers. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I strive to create engaging content that resonates with our audience. Whether it's breaking news, in-depth features, or thought-provoking opinion pieces, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality, informative content that keeps readers coming back for more. My goal is to bring a fresh perspective to every article I write and to make a meaningful impact through the power of words.

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