EU candidate sparks controversy by suggesting separate classes for the disabled

Controversial general and Lega party candidate, Roberto Vannacci, has been making waves with his recent statements. In an interview with La Stampa (Saturday edition), he called for separate school classes for disabled students. Vannacci argued that this was not discriminatory and that disabled students should be entrusted to specialists.

Vannacci also made controversial remarks about Benito Mussolini, calling him a “statesman.” He expressed his views on abortion, stating that he believes it is an unfortunate necessity rather than a right. On the issue of migration, Vannacci emphasized the problem of illegal immigration and expressed his disbelief in a multicultural society.

His comments sparked heated debates, with some warning of the danger of creating “ghetto classes” for the disabled. Others argued that the goal of the Italian school system should be full integration of students with disabilities. Despite this, Vannacci’s controversial book Il mondo al contrario has been a topic of discussion in Italy for months.

Vannacci’s views on homosexuality and parenting have also been contentious. His call for crucifixes in all classrooms has sparked debate as well. Overall, Vannacci’s statements continue to be a topic of discussion in Italy, highlighting ongoing divisions in society.

By Riley Johnson

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