Top MLB Teams and Players to Watch as Trade Deadline Approaches

The July 30 deadline is quickly approaching, and several Major League Baseball franchises are expected to make significant moves before it’s over. Two teams that are likely to be active at the trade deadline are the Toronto Blue Jays and the St. Louis Cardinals, according to Yahoo Sports national MLB insider Russell Dorsey.

The Blue Jays and Cardinals are both known for going all in, but this season may be different. With players like Vladimir Guerrero Jr., Bo Bichette, Nolan Arenado, and Paul Goldschmidt on their rosters, these teams may need to consider rebuilding instead of adding more pieces. Both teams have players who could be on the move as the deadline approaches, making them ones to watch closely.

One player that should not be overlooked is Oakland A’s rookie closer Mason Miller. Miller has been exceptional this season and has earned the title of the most dominant closer in Major League Baseball. While the A’s are not obligated to move Miller, they hold all the leverage. However, if a suitable offer comes along that can help expedite their rebuilding process, it might be worth considering a deal for the talented rookie closer. According to Dorsey, making the right move at the right time is crucial for any team’s long-term goals.

Overall, with less than two weeks left until the July 30 deadline, teams will need to weigh their options carefully before making any trades or acquisitions.

By Riley Johnson

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